Western Star Lodge No. 240 is a social network
Western Star Lodge #240
RWBRo. George Robert Stahl Receiving his 60 year pin and Certificate from Grand Lodge of Illinois, Presented By WBRo. James Carmon Sisco Worshipful Master of Western Star lodge #0240 A.F. & A.M. of the state of Illinois.
Worshipfull Master Clarence L. Walker III Presenting WBRo. David Godwin the Past Master Pillar of Excellence Award.
Champaign American Legion Post 24 Salutes WS #240 For Proudly Displaying Our American Flag.
BRo. Jeffrey A. Johnson 50 Year Master Mason Presentation
WBRo.Rawls Walden 50 Year Master Mason Presentation
Western Star #240 History
As we all know there are many interesting facts relating to the history of Western Star Lodge. One of the most fascinating is the origin of our name. Why Western Star?
In 1778 George Rodgers Clark, a Mason, captured Fort Kaskaskia from the English. Kaskaskia is located on the Mississippi River near the present town of Chester and some 50 miles downriver from St. Louis. In 1805 the first Masonic Lodge west of the Indiana Territory was formed under dispensation from the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. It was named Western Star No. 107. For ten years it was the only Lodge in the Illinois Territory. However, during this time it produced the first Grand Master of Illinois, the first Governor of Illinois, a United States Senator, 12 Representatives and the territorial Governor of Wisconsin. “Western Star No. 107” materially assisted by several others in 1822, formed the first Grand Lodge of Illinois. From this Grand Lodge emerged Western Star No. 1 A.F. & A.M.
On February 7Th 1829, the Mighty Mississippi, in full flood, erased forever Kaskaskia, the first Capital of Illinois, and Western Star Lodge No. 1. However, on October 7th, 1857, The Grand Lodge of Illinois granted a charter to the Western Star No. 240 at West Urbana, Illinois (Champaign).
It is with a great deal of pride we continuously strive to perpetuate the memory of these pioneer Masons and this original Lodge.
As we are in our 120th year we humbly acknowledge the history of our Craft in Illinois, and dedicate these few pages to the future.
Thomas E. Smith
Worshipful Master
Ross P. Stout, Editor
Click Here - About Freemasonry
Click Here - Chronological History of Western Star Lodge No. 240 PDF.
2022-2023 Lodge Officers |
Worshipful Master; |
WBRo. James C. Sisco |
Senior Warden; |
BRo. Rudiger Laufhutte |
Junior Warden; |
BRo. Andrew S. Landstrom |
Treasurer; |
WBRo. Larry J. Krisher |
Secretary; |
WBRo. Ronald L. Peyton |
Chaplain; |
WBRo. Rob Beldon |
Senior Deacon; |
BRo. James Harrington |
Junior Deacon; |
WBRo. Todd Buhrmester |
Senior Stewart; |
BRo. William F. Wiedman |
Junior Stewart; |
BRo. ------------- |
Marshal; |
BRo. Brian Robinsoni |
Tyler; |
RWBRo. George Robert Stahl |
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Posted by Chase Driskell on July 25, 2015 at 12:00pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Hello Brethren!
I have come across a post on Facebook that came from Grand Lodge. There is an initiative to increase visibility of lodges by posting promotional photographs on the page. I have copied the link below for anyone who is interested:…
ContinuePosted by Chase Driskell on April 28, 2014 at 4:12pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
I will be assisting the in-laws with a technological issue tonight, so I leave you with this link. The article I chose is titled "To Be of All Time and For All Time." I feel as though this speaks to and of Masonry in a light that reinforces the timeless nature of the Craft and the service to humanity in general it embodies, remembering that we all have a part to play in the general betterment of humanity:…
Posted by Ron Peyton on June 13, 2013 at 11:09am 0 Comments 1 Like
14 Bel-Air Court
Champaign, IL 61820-7509
Phone: 217-352-7099
On Friday, June 7, 2013, the journey of the level of time ended for our Beloved Brother Donald Shipley, when he was summoned to appear by…
ContinuePosted by Ron Peyton on March 21, 2012 at 10:10pm 0 Comments 0 Likes
Brother Virgil C Wikoff, 85 Years Young, passed away March 16 th 11:30 pm, Masonic Service will be @ Morgan Funeral Home in Savoy, March 22, @ 4:30 pm.....he will be missed by ALL........
© 2025 Created by Ron Peyton.
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